Places for help:
If you cant go on:
you tried to tear us apart, but it only sent him running back to me. since childhood we were meant to be, now you saw what i saw and want what i have, TO BAD!

you tried to tear us apart, but it only sent him running back to me. since childhood we were meant to be, now you saw what i saw and want what i have, TO BAD!

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Category: Secrets

You high school kids have it rough.
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Skanky b****es will always exisit enjoy the ride. Hold on tight!
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And then, you turned 14
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Naaaahhhh Naaahhh...I have what you want....
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^You wish perv...
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It's TOO bad, not to bad, ding-dong.
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So how long before the dog starts sniffing around other bushes again? Dont get too cocky, or you might loose yours.....
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^If he is a "dog" that starts sniffing around other bushes, then she is better off without him! Oh, btw it is "lose" not "loose"! Maybe you are a "loose" dog, but that dosen't mean every other man on the planet is!
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OP- I have told him that if it happens again I'm gone. It may be childish and stupid to some of you but love is a hard thing to find, not to mention to hold on too. I love him deeply but he's shown me that he just another man. I hoping there won't be a next time, and I never gloat, but that skank messed with the wrong woman and had to be taught a lesson. Yes I know how high school this all is and believe me I hate it too but I feel I've earned it, since I didn't do all that non sense in high school. Its our time now and anyone who tries to take him from me will be taken out of the picture quick fast and in a hurry. Sorry if you all don't agree
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