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I have some sort of eating problem. At night I have to get up and eat something, some nights it's several times a night, otherwise I cannot go back to sleep.

I have some sort of eating problem. At night I have to get up and eat something, some nights it's several times a night, otherwise I cannot go back to sleep.

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Category: Secrets

Sleeping pills.
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I do the same thing. WTF is up with that!
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OP here: I don't know what is up with that. I'm no young guy anymore being in my 30's, so all those xtra calories is no good. Then it's junk I eat cookies and crap. I haven't slept all the way through in a long time. I even tried staying up later, but it doesn't work. I know I need to figure it out b4 it gets out of control , especially with my weight. It could be from stress and depression. But who knows.
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chow down fatty
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maybe your diabetic and its your body's way of saying ,"Hey i need something".
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^^^hmmm interesting. something to look into
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Well I took you diabetic suggestion and researched it. Well of the 7 listed type 2 symptoms I have 3 of them all the time and a 4th one sometimes. But it doesn't mean I have it, just means I should get tested. But being very low income and no insurance, I have to figure out how is all.
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You have gotten your body into that habit, agree with #1 take some sleeping pills or allergy meds for a couple of days.
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My girlfriend does the same thing. I hide all the junk food and keep fresh fruit out on display. I wake up in the mornings and see a couple of apple cores by her side of the bed. It's not a solution, bit it's a great first step.
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^^^ OP here, is your g/f sleep eating? I've heard of it and all, I know it's not what I have, because I am fully awake. Just a thought.But yes I need to keep more fruit around. I buy it sometimes, but it seems to waste. But I need to switch to fruit instead of the junk. At least as a start.
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Yes, she is sleep eating. Although it seems she is partially aware of what she's doing. Sometimes she remembers eating in the middle of the night, and sometimes she doesn't remember it. Either way, I made the decision only a couple of months ago to cut way back on junk food. I keep tons of fruit around now. It won't go to wast when there is little else to eat. It's not as filling, but you can eat as much of it as you like. My girlfriend would eat entire bags of chips, or a whole package of cookies in the middle of the night, and now she eats a ton of apples and bananas.I still stash a bag of chips some place, so that I can have them from time to time. She's fine with it because she knows if she locates them she will eat them all. The funny thing is that she runs on a regular basis. She's quite athletic and her eating habits haven't caused her to gain weight. But still, she used to feel awful when she woke up in the morning and vaguely remembered eating 20-30 Oreos.
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^^That's a lot of Oreos. I'm not eating that much. The other night I had about 3 Twinkies w/milk. Then a couple hours later some poptarts w/milk. I was killing the Reeces Peanut Butter eggs so I quit buying them. So in the night time eating I guess I'm doing from 600 to 1300 calories. So, I need to get this under control, and switch to fruit maybe. Thx for your feed back.
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Man with one chopstick go hungry.
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I do the same thing. Except for me it's not junk food. It's real food - like sandwiches or pasta, stuff like that. I just get soooo hungry and I don't know why!
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^Not enough sex?
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^Oh, there's plenty of sex. Trust me.
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^Too much sex? Gotta refill the ballast tanks?
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^There can never be too much sex-;)
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i eat too in my sleep... I hate it. im thinking of locking stuff up!!!!!
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It's called depression. Get help.
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