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Even though I go to church each Sunday, I have absolutely no belief that any kind of a God exists, I go there because my wife feels its what families should do

Even though I go to church each Sunday, I have absolutely no belief that any kind of a God exists, I go there because my wife feels its what families should do

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Category: secrets

Enjoy the time you spend with your wife, the surroundings shouldn't matter.
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Religion is a personal choice and shouldn't be forced upon you, nor upon your children. Religion is answers, but don't ask the questions. Not to mention, pretending to worship, is blasphemy. Which by many considered to be worse than not practicing.
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Surely you don't think you're the first ?
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That is the great thing about God he doesn't force anyone to beleive in him. But who ever beleive in him will have everlasting eternal life. Do you ever wander though how this planet has everything to support life. And is perfectly balanced to maintain our life. Oxygen, water, atmaosphere and weather. How everything has been engineered like honey Bees pollinatting plants and trees and crops. Must have just happened. Ever blow something up and it form a perfectly balanced anything to support anything. Our world is complex and engineered for our lives is my beliefe. You are entitled to yours. But food for thought is always good.
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Tell you wife she's trippin and that you'll what you damn well please. If she fails to understand, divorce her punk a** and tell the lawyers that she was trying to convert you into something she KNEW you never were.
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best view from a toilet. Ever
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You are a very nice person. I bet the wife loves you for it.
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. Good man the lord knows it . At least you say you dont believe but there really is a God . I'm not trying to get into a battle of what came first the chicken or the egg but some one made which ever one came first. even the big bang who mad it if thats what you believe. . apes I mean seriously some of us look like 'em but thats why god said any one who has the ewe stuff with animals is stricken from his spot in heaven he dont want no animal f***ers up there either.
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I am struggling with my own belief in God right now, and have been for many, many years. My husband is a strong believer, and because of that I get up every Sunday morning and go to church with him. I am working on believing but I do not know if I ever will. I suppose I'll go through life never truly believing even if I do try to convince myself other wise. Good luck.
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I'd love to take a dump in that crapper!!!
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That's a cool thing for you to do for your wife. Man to man, big-ups to you, your wife is holy ground for you, that's manly.
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I have been where you are. I don't know if you'll ever feel God's presence in your life...a truly magnificent way of "knowing"..the closest thing we have to prove His existence. I hope you do, though.
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I'll bet they do things with you they don't like too.
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Leave the b****. PARTY!
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well, Bless your heart!
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3/4 of the people in the church are probably the same way. There's not one bit of evidence of a God and believers are just believing to be believing.
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You are a supportive husband. God calls the man to stand up and be the head of the family. A man is subjected to God only and the wife is subjected to husband which is her covering. Its a real beautiful thing to hear the gospel of good news. It takes more faith to not believe in God then to believe that he does not exist. God proclaims that he exist and the whole bible says that Jesus is God in flesh form to reconcile us all back to the God family. His whole plan was to get us, the human race back. God just loves the family. He is a God of the living!
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I did that for a while until I divorced her
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