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Out of curiosity I stopped being the one to call my friends,my phone hasn't rang in four months

Out of curiosity I stopped being the one to call my friends,my phone hasn't rang in four months

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Category: Secrets

Yeah I did the same thing with one friend. Haven't talked to him in 5 years. I'm not losing sleep over it.
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man does that ever sound familiar
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I did the same thing with my family...they didnt even call to tell me my grand-dad died. I didnt find out until 3 months later, I missed his funeral and everything.
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Done that one before....It sucks!
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I tried this about ten years ago. Aside from the very occasional business call, the only time my phone rang was from my mom. She's passed away since.Well, people get busy with SOs/spouses/children. (shrug)^2, that's awful. So sorry.
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I just did this with a friend who I used to call all of the time. I haven't heard from him in 4 weeks. Very sad.
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Yeah I've done this also, I guess nobody really cares.
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Congrats. You have learned that friendships are based on mutual respect and consideration. It's just too bad that the majority of the planet is still living in selfish self absorbed mode so those of us who know how to have good friendships have to look hard to find one another.
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^ I must say we have to look extremly very hard, as I still have no friends, everyone is a lieing flake.
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Sounds about right. And as one poster states, this planet IS still living in a selfish, self absorbed mode. Nobody really gives a flying f***, unless it suits them.
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Am so sorry . I have a family that would not call me if my life depended on it but only when they need something . So I can certainly identify.
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I agree with the one who said people get busy with their SO's and kids. We can't party with our buddies every weekend like we did back 20 years ago. That's just a part of life.
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Enjoy the solitude. I may be different, but my phone is for my convience and I love that it doesn't ring except for four very close loved ones.
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What a hard way to learn who really is a friend and who isn't...
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same here. Probably happens to them as well.My Mom (80) and Sister (55) never call me, I have to call them. It's a form of control I suppose.
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People just get busy. Dont take it personal. I have to say I am at fault for that one as well. I am just too tired to call after working. and I am a homebody. I dont call and my phone rarely rings, but I still regard my all to busy friends as great friends
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I know that feeling.
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They have probably done the same thing...and are at home waiting for your call.
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my phone never rings unless its important or someone wants i have been removing everyone from my FB slowly and still no response to why from them.... live ur life to the fullest everyone else is missing out...
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They might be still waiting for you to call...who knows. If you the one who always initiated the out-reach, you probably always will be. There's nothing wrong with that so don't beat yourself up but don't let anyone take advantage of it either.
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Pride and friendship do noy MIX well
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I know what you mean I had a "friend"/neighbor and we both moved still in the same town,, I called her about three years ago and she told me that she will have me over when the place is fixed up and that she wanted to see my place. Then she said that other friends were coming over, After she told me she didn't want anyone to see the house yet. I told her to give me a call when the house is ready and fixed still haven't heard from her and it has been 3 years! Her loss not mine..
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I'm sorry this sucks. I did something similar with my college friends and it showed me that they were never really my friends. Then again, you may be the "planner" type of person in the friendship and they are waiting for you to call, because you always have. Maybe they just are not good friends in that they don't put in the same amount of effort you do. OR they are just busy with life and they still like you. There are many reasons so unless you want to end the friendships, you should talk to them and find out what's up.
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My dad said once; In your life, you will only have enough TRUE FRIENDS to fill one hand, with fingers left over...
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Tell ya something? I wouldn't be hurt though.
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We all need to do an inventory once in a while. a good true friend would never let more than a couple of days go by. raise your expectations of not only partners, but friends.
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54 and it still happens to wife thinks its no big deal. I would like to know that they care enough about me to see what's up. A few, very few do. My DAD told me quite a few years ago (in his late 60's) that he could count his true friends on one hand. Very dynamic guy, interesting take.
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How sad and how true....I've experienced the very same. Every relationship is a two-way street. I don't buy into the "life is busy" statements. That's just selfishness and laziness....think about it....a 5 minute call over the course of 4 or 5 days?...gimme a break
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^Just Facebook'em.
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The f***ers
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Then you my friend are the lucky one. My phone rings plenty. Bill collectors, and people who need me to do something for them.Unfortunatly when I am in need, I really dont have any where to look. Maybe just a lesson God wants me to learn.
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Thank you for letting me know that this happens to other people, too.
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Thank you for letting me know I am not the only one this has happened to.
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Dude, I didn't do this test, it happens in real life all on it's own. My deal is this, I'd rather not deal with their shallow BS anyways.
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I know how you feel.
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Holding back your attention is a form of control too. Life isn't a two way road, it's a highway!
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