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Now that I have found this site, I cry reading them, but it keeps me from blowing my brains out.

Now that I have found this site, I cry reading them, but it keeps me from blowing my brains out.

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Category: secrets

I love love this site. I helps me see my other side and ruminate about my life. Kinda like therapy...
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This site allows me to see a glimpse of how my similar attitude/behavior affects others. It's given me perspective.
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None of my problems seem so bad when i see some of these.
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i'm sorry that you are feeling so down that you'd want to take your own life. please please please talk to someone! suicide is very hard on the people you leave behind. there are people in your life that care... you just might not be aware of how they feel. talk to someone... anyone. you could even talk to me! i'm on yahoo IM : wiggyfish
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the no-nonsense comments actually lift my spirits...
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I just lost one of my friends. He took his life. We will lay him to rest this week. he was only 44 years old!! not sure why? Peace to you for dealing with your thoughts.
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I felt like blowing my brains out for a long time. Whatever works for you, to keep you from doing it, is a good thing. You may or may not ever find happiness, but I can assure you that ONE DAY (it will probably take weeks or even months, sad to say) you will no longer feel like blowing your brains out. I thought I'd never get out of those feelings, and if someone had told me I would, I'd be certain they were wrong. I WAS the one who was wrong. Hang in there.
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you have seen atleast one or more secrets on here that is one of your little secrets too glad im not the only one
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I cry too. Buts it's because I am so relieved that other people have the same problems as I do and they aren't afraid to tell someone, even if its anonymously.
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This site is wonderful. It helps to know that "hey, someone else thought that too?!" sometimes you feel so alone, then you see that your exact thought isn't so unique. It's healing, as strange as it might sound.
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Whatever helps you make it through the day
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This site is amazing. Some of them make me laugh, and others make me realize that some people really have it bad.
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Quit bringing others down, do everyone a favor, get it over with.
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