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We have no couple friends because they are jealous of our happiness, our trust, our plans for the future, the way we look @ each other, fuck em. miserable fucks

We have no couple friends because they are jealous of our happiness, our trust, our plans for the future, the way we look @ each other, fuck em. miserable fucks

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Category: Secrets

maybe you guys act too stuck up or act like your above others. Most of the time couples who "seem perfect" have the same amount of problems as other couples. They just wear a mask called facade
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Sounds more like you have no couple friends because you're both self-absorbed and self-involved!
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Are you sure they're jelous or is that you have driven them away touting your perfection? All couples have problems... no one is perfect. Maybe you should get back in touch with reality.
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Uh,sorry narcissists, jealously is not the reason we don't want to be friends with you.'Everyone else' is not the problem.
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...if you're not worried about it, whatcha doing here crying ?..go adore each other !!
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Want a friend ? Be a friend 1st it's not hard !
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Does couple friends mean friends that are coupled? Or is it like you don't make friends or hang out with people as individuals, you're always coupled? Maybe they found your couple's videos online and worried about you getting them drunk and coming onto them as a couple? CoupliyanaldikaYAH. Ok, I feel better.
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Maybe we (I mean "they") hate you because you're smug, phoney and treat them like miserable jealous f***s instead of friends.You two are some piece of work together.
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OP, you don't sound like someone I'd want for a friend. pretty much everyone above has you pegged.
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You have no friends because you are obnoxious and boring.
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Maybe they are jealous of your beautiful modesty ~~~snicker~~~
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...yeah, keep telling yourself that. its a coping mechanism.
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I think the post came across differently than what the op wanted it to. Me
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^How much more clarity is required for the words "f*** em. miserable f***s".
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Hey is that a knife the guy is holding??
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Good for you, because those same miserable f***s will try to destroy your happiness if given the chance. Scrape them off now, so you don't have heartache later.
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^Nah, you're delusional. It's the other way around...the friends fled before the phonies destroyed THEM!
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