Another marriage happily built on fleeting lust and the need to pay the bills. You been duped!
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Dude, I can so relate to your situation. My ex never made the first move in the 8 years we were together. her passion after marriage was cold as ice.I even went 2 months without ever bringing up the topic. She never said a word. Eventually, I said f*** it. I found something on the side and divorced her 2 years later without ever explaining why I did it. I just filed the paperwork, packed my clothes, and waved goodbye with a smile as I closed the door behind me.
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You could at least told her why you wimp. Maybe you would have been very suprised with what her answer was. I would guess that you suck in bed so she gave up. I would also guess that she had someone on the side, just like you, so she did not need to ask you for anything because she already got it from someone else. Think about that guys when you do not get it from your women. You may simply suck in bed.... Your a wimp for not telling her why. I'm sure she smiled too as you walked out the door little boy....
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Two up is a common little boy who could not please a dixie cup so he took the easy chicken way out. Hey pal, she was ice because you did not know what you were doing. So many men just do not understand this. Why?
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I do feel somewhat sympathetic for you guys when you aren't getting any. Thats not to say I condone cheating or whatever but if the person loves you wouldn't she do whatever it takes to make you happy? Thats how I see it. If its every other day then so be it. As long as he's happy I'll be happy.
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and i thought i had it bad... i get it every 2 weeks but it could be a month i dont even care anymore to keep track... do u wanna get together and we can solve this problem?
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Exactly why society should all men to have more than one wife, like it was in the beginning...
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Maybe you are not worth having sex with. Solution: Be WORTH having sex with and you will get laid more!
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Been there, done that.
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Welcome to marriage!
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I know how it feels. My (now) ex-bf lived with me, and I had to BEG him for some. I wanted him more than anything. His excuse was the kids were in the kids room. I know as well as everyone will, he was either getting it from someone or he was talking to someone else. Oh well Fuck him. He's out of my life. :)
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know how it feels. My (now) ex-bf lived with me, and I had to BEG him for some. I wanted him more than anything. His excuse was the kids were in the NEXT room. I know as well as everyone will, he was either getting it from someone or he was talking to someone else. Oh well Fuck him. He's out of my life. :)
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3^ What's wrong with staging? You're probably one of those people who thinks obama is speaking off the cuff.
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Leave Obama out of this. He is dreaming about a farm in the deep south drinking some nice cold grape soda pops.
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^^ Hey 2 up. Five up thinks staging and bedroom play is wrong. They think only the missionary position is proper and moral.
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^Obviously that person is not a writer, eh?
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2^up hahaha. I know. What's the point of pretending? lmao.
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the 2nd post was really funny
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I would have given you a good blow job daily, you would have at least had relief with a relase.
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^^^^5 up. I masturbate plenty. My point was, I staged it to heighten the moment for my husband.
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^^^my point is you shouldnt be staging anything.
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Take care of your own problem ass.
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I am a woman. I read many years ago that a woman should be a cook in the kitchen(fortunately, my husband is also a great cook)a hostess in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom. I never forgot that when I got married.My husband told me that sex is important to men. They often define the happiness in marriage by how passionate and expressive their wife is during intimacy. I believe him because of what I read that I mentioned above.I have an extremely loving relationship with my man. Even people in our circle of friends say it. I tell my girlfriends they need to be a slut in the bedroom for their husband.Often times I surprize my husband in the beedroom. I'll ask him to get in bed. I'll go to the bathroom and dress up like a prostitute. Wig and all. I have surprized him being dressed up as a nurse. He has walked into the bedroom as I pretended to be masturbating. I might tell him i was fantasing about him f***ing my brains out. Then ask him to climb in bed and finish the job.I leave sexually suggestive photos in his briefcase with a message to please hurry home because I can't stand thoughts of not feeling him inside me. Things like that. That man adores me. His family thinks just as highly of me. They see our happiness.
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^^I love you. Will you consider a 3-some?
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^^You had me at three hole.
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Splodge on her face at night until she gives it up. If she won't find someone else. Plenty of fish in the sea!!!
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long post above - why pretend you are masturbating??
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