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My neighbors never took good care of their dog. It was always chained up in the back yard with dirty water. He was even out there in the snow! So, one time they went on vacation without leaving him enough food or water. He got so hungry he pulled the stake out of the ground and I found him in my own back yard. That was the last straw. I stole him and gave em to my nephews. He deserved better.

My neighbors never took good care of their dog. It was always chained up in the back yard with dirty water. He was even out there in the snow! So, one time they went on vacation without leaving him enough food or water. He got so hungry he pulled the stake out of the ground and I found him in my own back yard. That was the last straw. I stole him and gave em to my nephews. He deserved better.

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Category: secrets

Good going!! a friend of mine,is about to do the same!!
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Kudos to you!!! Best thing for the dog.
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Awesome - I hope you snear at your neighbors in disgust for them.
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Good for you, should have called the ASPCA, never let them have a pet again. Or at least hurt them in the wallet, the only place that counts one your heart is dried up.
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You rock! You just should have done it sooner... I think I might have thrown a rock through the window, for good measure.
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I'm so glad you did this. Thank you so much. ...and don't feel any guilt for not being a super-hero and saving their children, too. Everyone has his special calling--that thing that has special meaning for you. If your compassion is more geared toward animals, then so be it. I'm sure was easier to abduct a dog than it would be to kidnap that family's crying children. Your one angry commenter probably just is feeling ashamed of his or her own apathy and lack of initiative. Don't anyone believe that just because you can't save everyone that you shouldn't try to save one living being. That is senseless.
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one good deed will come back
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kudos to you!
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i go too the park an let go squirrels from the traps the city sets for them..they dont want people feeding them cause they say the poop everywhere!!!WTF? timkatkat
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KARMA: If your a dog in your next life, someone will save you too.
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good for you!!!! i'm actually considering swipin' my neighbor's cat for the same reason.
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Good job!!
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too bad there isn't more people like you in the world. the poor animals like that need all the help they can get!!! job well done.
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You're my new hero. God bless you.
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Good for you
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Karma comes around too!!! Good for you. I cant stand a**holes who get animals and dont care for them. They should be put on a list and never be allowed animals again
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This awesome!! Good karma to you!! I hate cruel pet owners..they don't deserve anything good in their lives!!
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This is why I read these. For the one secret that shows at least some people are better than we ever thought they were. Bless you.
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I did the same thing several years ago. He was a great big dog, with the sweetest personality and his owner had small man syndrome (small penis syndrome) - the dog wasn't mean enough for him so he chained him with a training collar (you know the kind with the spikes on the inside?) One day he got away - you know - no exercise or love and just bored and he came right to me and away we went and he got a free vet visit, into rescue and now lives the good life!! It was a risk, had I been caught I'm sure the owner would have been violent. But it was worth the lies when he asked if I had seen his dog!!!!
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I am about to do the same with my nieghbors! We got 11" of snow yesterday & they have yet to go out & check on that dog! I went over today while they were at work & fed & watered him. I feel so bad for him! I am just waiting for my perfect time to go free him! I already have a home lined up for him. I can't wait!
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Good for you..
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good on you! there is a reason god is dog spelled backwards
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LMAO I did the same thing! The got a pitt just for the ego. It had a puppies that the wouldn't even let inside and they ending up freezing to death and animal control wouldn't do anything. So I took it and they got another one. And I took that one too and left them a letter telling them that if they get another all of them are just going to be taken. And a few more.... choice words. They never got another dog.
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I rescued my neighbors dog. But I walked up to then and said "Ill take care of your puppy if you cannot" They handed me the leash and she has been with me for the last 4 years.
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you might not know it but you are an angel.
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YOU ROCK, thank you for your wise effort ty
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Way to go partner. Some people shouldn't have pets. Hopefully your neighbors don't get another god.
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oops 'dog'
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Your a good person for doing that....we need to take care of our children and animals
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You're my hero
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Way to go! Not many forms of vermin are lower in life than those who mistreat helpless animals. I salute your intent, and action. Disgruntled Veteran Honolulu, Hawaii
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f*** illegal... It was a matter of the heart. I'm glad, as well as others, as we can see, that you did this good deed to help this animal in need. It's only illegal if you're found out. DOUCHEBAG!!! Stick your illegal up your ass and KUDOS to you for freeing this animal from hell...
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I LOVE you!!! Thank you!! I am Mickey Rourke about my dogs. I wish they'd make the small pen at the back of people's yards against the law. Those people think they're okay. They're NOT! That's animal cruelty, plain as day.
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I did the same thing, i went to my friends house for a BBQ. Next door this American eskimo dog was barking and barking. I asked whats up with the dog, chained to the porch. The owners left for 2 weeks and left the dog chained there, food and water bowls were empty! I said Im taking him home, she said OK, I took him home to our 5 acres and he lived a wonderful life with our other dog, a border collie. They were best of friends and he always had a smile on his mug!
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Its heartbreaking that someone could treat a dog so badly. They just want to be loved. I'm glad this little guy got a second chance instead of freezing to death.
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GREAT DEED! I just don't understand people(I use the term loosely) who get pets, then lock them up outside with little or no love! Perhaps this should be done to them to see how they like it! God gave us pets to enrich our lives and give us unconditional love! These beings derserve much better treatment.
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you are a hero
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My secret is out!! I've been a "dognapper" and a "catnapper" too! We are the chosen few that will help out an animal in need. We are such tenderhearted people. You are all angels. Thanks buddy! You are a hero too! Your cape is in the mail:)
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Way to go! All 4 of my dogs are rescues! They are all big dogs 65 pds to 120 pds! I would take more if I had the space!
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people who care about animals are the best!
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Good for you!!! I'm going to do that soon with my neighbors!! Their poor dog is just 8 mons old, and they leave him out all the time. He never has water or food! The poor thing doesn't get petted or anything. I see the husband walk by in the morning and kick at him yelling GET DOWN! I'm waiting till I know there is no one home!
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Good for you!!!! Right on!
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Good job. The dog sure looks happy in that picture!
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Bravo! Well done!!
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I am saying that what you did is outrightly nice. But you should have told your neighbour initially of your displeasure in the way they treat their pet. I, Caleb, advise in this light.
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I think thats amazing:]I plan on doing the same if I get the chance. Done wasting my time calling animal control, they never do anything.
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Yes good for you! Animal control waited til it was too late to pick up my grandmothers neighbors dog. We had fed him the whole time he had lived there... then one day my grandmother had to go to the hospital, I thought my uncle was feeding the dog... I told him and left food. He lied. When I saw the dog over a month later he was so weak he couldn't stand, his eyes were empty, he couldn't drink without me putting water to his lips and pouring it through. The people chased me out of their yard, threatening to call the police. I called animal control and the police myself. They picked up a dead dog at 3:39pm the next day. I made a report and the guy is not allowed to own any more animals. Thank goodness.
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I made the above comment, and what I am getting at is that laws are for people. Do what you can for animals and be as safe as you can for yourself. I could care less if it's theft that was a sweet dog that just wanted love and he didn't deserve that. If you wait until I did, you might end up with bigger charges. Luckily I didn't have to continue staying there, and was able to leave paybacks up to the universe... but I don't know that I wouldv'e been able to if I saw them everyday.
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My brother gave me a rescued puppy. That was 9 years ago. I look at him every morning at the end of my bed with his little fat belly sticking straight up and am thankful he was saved. for me I guess. I am grateful.
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My next door neighbor chained this sweet dog to her doghouse. It ripped the chain from the house and ran around the neighborhood for a day, dragging the 15' chain. The second time it happened, I cut the chain from her neck and fed her. I hid the chain and the dog now runs loose in the neighborhood. (Owner is to apethetic to buy another chain) The dog isn't gonna hurt anyone, and it's so much better than being chained up all your life.
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I want him too,bring me one!
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The bible tells us not to steal. The bible also tells us not to mistreat animals. The person who steals an animal to save it from cruel treatment will surely be blessed. The person mistreating the animal will get his/her "reward," sooner or later.
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Just last night, my cats got out... We have a litter box out in the garage with a catdoor from the house to the garage... My dad left the big garage door open, they got out.
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I didn't know they were gone til that night, when I saw Jasper standing outside my fence... I jumped that fence and tried to pick him up. He was pissed at us, so he bit and scratched me. Got me good. Chased him around the yard for half an hour before I was able to get him.
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But while I was chasing him, I noticed my cat smokey, just sitting in one spot in the yard, so I went to grab him instead, he's more calm than Jasper. He ran straight for the door and I picked him up and put him inside.
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then I managed to chase Jasper to the garage door and he wanted in, so I opened the door and let him in... After that ordeal, I looked at my arm and I was bleeding a lot.
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I washed my arm, gave them food, and told them I was sorry my family locked them out.... I forgave Jasper for scratching me when I fed them... They felt better when they got back inside...
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I love my cats too much to not forgive them over a few scratches... (I had 9 claw and bit marks, he got me good... At least I know he can defend himself if they ever leave the door open again, but I hope they don't leave it open anymore) I don't know what I would do without my fat cat (jasper's nickname) and smokey...
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Good for you. I despise seeing a dog on a chain, PERIOD
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i rescued a cat from the human society, he was a young boy. he had an intestine problem seems that when he was born he had real bad diarrhea to the point where his intestine came out. they stitched him up and gave him antibiotics. some one before took him but then returned him later i guess they couldnt take care of him. when we got him i was happy to give him his meds twice a day and play with him. i tell him everyday i love him, even though he doesnt understand me, and that i'm glad they returned him. my kids love him my husband loves him and i havent been this happy since my kids were born. so thank you to the people who didnt want him anymore.
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i have a dog that was left at a home when it was forclosed, with no food or water he was there for weeks when i got him he was about 40lbs under weight he is now at 90 lbs..looks like american bull dog..the county we live in kills almost all strays and pit bulls, i dont know why VICKS is going to get a second chance to re-offend..boycott the team make them get rid of him..he dont deserve the chance
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You did the right thing! Some people are so stupid. My Red thinks..."Stupid People Are Yummy" as she has bitten a few. Why would anyone see a barking snarling dog rocking an SUV to get at them stick their hand in the window? Stupid!
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Isn't there a word limit?
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Hey Dog! Where's my dog? WTF were you thinking, man. I loved my dog!
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aw! this is very touching. my fiance and i have taken in some abused animals ourselves, but the people that had them willingly gave them to us. now they all have new homes.. a couple of which we fell in love with and couldnt part with them. lol
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People can potentially grow up and have a better life. Animals don't always get the chance.God bless you.
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>A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
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I've done this numerous times. ;) Good going!
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Good for you! GREAT FOR THE DOG!
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Great job... The original owners need to be chained outside with dirty water and barely any food all year to see what it's like.
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Great Job! (^_^)
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I can't understand people who abuse animals, why own one if you don't have the love to give?
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I agree with all the people who are glad you took that dog! I had a neighbor who didn't take care of a big Shepherd-blue heeler pup. She'd jump the fence
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and come to my house. The woman finally ran over her w/her car one night and left her for dead. The dog dragged herself down to my yard. I found her and took her to the vet the next morning and then kept her. She lived to be 16 yrs. 4 mos. in age.
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