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You were always with me during my illness growing up. You're the best friend I ever had. After 3 years, I'd still give away everything for one more day with you

You were always with me during my illness growing up. You're the best friend I ever had. After 3 years, I'd still give away everything for one more day with you

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Category: Secrets

Beagles are great companions, sorry for your loss.
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I just lost my beautiful boy 2 days before christmas. He loved to run. We took him to a state park's scenic overlook and my son said he ran full speed, never breaking stride, right off the edge of a 200' cliff. I cancelled christmas for myself, left the house and hid in another state for 2 days. Now I'm trying to cheer myself by joking to others "He must've thought he could fly!"
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One more day would be good, but one more meal would be what's for supper b itch?
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@@@ man, i am sorry for your loss. God bless you and your dog.
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Stupid f***
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my dog is my best friend. period.
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Aubrey was there for me, and I'm crying now
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OK, OP, you succeeded in making everyone cry with your story, I can hardly see the keyboard! My little boy's name is Tobey! He is the smartest and best freind I have ever had. I wish people weren't so prejudiced! Other people get to take thier best friends everywhere with them! I am sorry for your loss, I hope I have the strength to carry on when the time inevitable comes. I'm such a loser that I sometimes hope we go together somehow.
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If you have never had a pet you can not relate. Animals are not stupid or stuck with their owners. I have recently lost my beloved yorkie. He knew when I was upset and was there to lick the tears away. It's been 6 weeks and it still hurts so bad. He was always so happy to see me when I would get home from work while my husband and three daughters didn't even acknowledge me. I want another dog but know it won't be the same. Just don't want to get so attached again. Didn't know this website was gonna make me cry. That's ok..needed to vent I guess. There are some crazy secrets on here
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You gave me the best years of my life boss. I miss you too.
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The dogs in my life that have passed before me will be waiting @ the rainbow bridge for me.
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i love beagles :-)
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My wonderful cat, Tico passed away 8 years ago. My heart aches for him all the time. That sweet angel saved and transformed my life in a major way. I miss him in the most awful way. He is in my heart and soul forever. I now have the most wonderful little daschund, Jojo. Truly an angel sent from heaven for me and my lady and anyone who meets him. He is a true love dog. A little buddy with a big, big heart. He's 14 1/2 years old and in great shape. But I know that one day I'll have to say good bye. The path of the heart is the best but also filled with lots of pain and longing. I am so grateful for these little beings. Thank you Lord!
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its been two years since my black chow jada was killed .she got away from me to chase a deer .I found her on the highway.I miss you every day really were a special little girl..I hope to see you again
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I had pets growing up and cared for animals on our farm but recently, I had to put down our cat that we had for 13 years, he breathed his last breath in arms looking at me and I will never be the same. Your picture and post just made me cry at my desk at work.- 40/M
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I know the feeling..........unconditional love is a beautiful thing. too bad people can't grab the concept
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i never knew a dog could be so emotional
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gotta love those beagles... we had them when my son was growing up... Now I have no time for them, I am too mobile....But do misss the beagles
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sounds like a song from bread, but very heartwarming thank you, nice to have a friend,maybe i shouls call the suisidehotline and find a friend
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My little gorgeous baby beagle Tally passed 6 months ago after 10 years of being by my side during some pretty big ups and downs in my life cancer took her from me after 2 months of chemo.It's lonely now with out her and I also would do anything to see her again.I miss you.
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Jake, you touched a part of my being that I never knew existed. You taught me the meaning of unquestioned loyalty. Ten super yrs with you,and life has little meaning without you. I'm sorry....
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we put our heart and soul into our beloved pets no matter what they are...i had 2 lovebirds that were very tame and when they both died months apart due to poor breeding from the place i bought them...i buried them and cried for days...when one was in the animal clinic and suffering, i went up on the roof of my building in the night and begged the creator of the universe to end his suffering...he died in the morning....i will never forget chipper and is filled with great love and great overwhelming pain.....the more you love, the more pain you will have in then end...when my old man died, i felt nothing and still dont 20 years later....
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i have gotten older and now i am 66...i am very tired due to my cancer and diabetes...i have people who will take my dog when i die....i have never seen my usa except for ny, fla and ohio. i want to see so many things but my dog does not like to travel more than 10 feet in a car....i dont want to leave him behind in case he has a bad time with it and so i will forgo my dream so as not to hurt him...when i die, i am sure he will be upset but then i wont be able to change anything...i am so tired and very hard to get up in the morning to walk him.....i made a yard and fence for him but wont let him there alone so i have to get up too early and then i am tired all day.....amen
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The ptice of a good dog is a broken heart in the end
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Dogs could really teach people a thing or two about unconditional love.
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After 12 years I just had to put my rottie down. I've buried family easier than that. I know the feeling you have.For two years I had many surgeries and wasn't able to do alot.That dog was with me the whole time, I couldn't have made it through it all without him. I am not married and do not have kids he was my whole world.I wish you the best in getting through it. You will and everyday it will get a little easier.
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My friends, do not be sad over the death of your beloved pets. I have felt the loss of my best friends as well. Max the cat, Toby, Rusty, Snowflake, Roxie, Annie (dogs). I miss them but death is a part of life. I am a better person for having known these amazing friends. I knew they would die someday and that is OK. We must all walk that path at one time in our lives. What you must do is remember the good time. Keep these friends in your heart, and they will live forever.
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If dogs dont go to heaven when they die, I want to go where they go.
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I have a female beagle that looks just like this and would love to find a home for her. She likes to stay out all day and I just let her in at night but I have 5 dogs and really cant afford all the food and medication. Call me if you would like a mature female dog that looks just like the dog you lost.
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I am 65 and got my first dog just 2 years ago when he was 4. A champion Pomeranian show dog that was abused because he stopped winning. The original owners were a husband and wife where the man caused abuse of him by starving him and slapped him in the face when he went for a treat.Even now, after 2 years of tremdous love from me, he will still turn his head to one side when I approach him with a treat. He had lived under their bed for a year when the woman gave him to a friend of mine and asked me if I wanted a dog. I was not sure because I never had one and was 63 at the time. He said, keep him for 3 days and see what you think. Well, he had dogs before and knew that after 3 days, you won't let them go unless maybe they bit you or worse. He is my son as far as I am concerned. I had a birthday party for him when he reached 5 years.I never had any children and he means a lot to me. I can not imagine what I would do without him.
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and to think I resisted getting another pet to avoid the attachment and someday the loss, now I'm stuck with a nice cat that will sadden my heart if something bad befalls it. I don't know about animal communicators, or expectations of reuniting in some post life existence, but the above stories are certainly touching, if not hard to swallow. It's great that we can share our feelings with a lower brained creature, but we should try to keep it in perspective, life does go on after the loss of a person, no less a pet.
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Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Author Unknown
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Dog is man's best friend. It's that simple.My yellow lab is getting to closer to the day i have to make a decision and i don't think that i can handle it. I am 54 have had many dogs, but each time, it breaks my heart. But then, i come back for more, with another dog.
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my first dog i got when i was adopted pom show dog that was abused...he is now 7 yrs old i have him 3 years...he is my son....
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Nothing better then the love a dog show 's it's people.I too have had many dogs thru my lifetime and it is heart breaking at the end,but remember they will be waiting for you on the other side!
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I lost the love of my life on Jan. 20 of this year. She was perfection. I've since gotten two dogs that I love but she was something special.If you have lost your dog, don't discount getting another one. There is ALWAYS another dog who needs you desperately. You can honor the dog you lost by giving another dog in need a home.
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God Bless you, I know what youre feeling, The saddest part of love is whenit leaves us, and it always does, Know that you made his life here on this planet special! He was very lucky to have had you , Our time on Earth is but a milisecond in the continuem, One day you wilfeel his whislers and lokinto those big eyes again. I have a little Pomeranian /chihuahua, I never imagined I would like, let alone adore my little girl Lola, but she took tome and never let go! sitting onmy shoulder as i read or watch TV, I would move her and she went right back and wrapped herself around my neck! i stiil wake up to her kisses every morning, or if shes not there i say wheres my lolo quietly , and shes always there!! I cannotimagine how I will deal with her loss , thankfully shes just 2 now, but it hurts to even imagine her gone.
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I never liked cats until my wife at the time begged me to bring a "rescue" cat home. I fought it and fought it and after many of my wife's tears, Kitty came to stay with us. She was already an older cat, so we most likely saved her life. I tried my best to not like Kitty, but she eventually won me over. She would sit on my chest in the morning, pawing at me to get up. When I would work in office, Kitty always had to join me on my desk. Whenever I felt sad, Kitty would always curl up with me and make things better. She lived to be 15, and I am so glad she was a part of my life. Animals are miracles, and I feel your pain, OP. What I wouldn't do to have Kitty in my life for one more day..
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My best friend from the time I was seven to the time I was 22 died last spring I never cried that much even loosing familly members, I now have two wonderful dogs that help me through the roughest parts of life. just like she did, I can tell them anything and they just smile and listen.
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I have two beagles and two labs and 5 others that have already crossed to the other side. Hope to see them again.
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I have a beagle and I love him,I dont know what I will do when he has to go,its so sad I wish I did not get a dog I hope we have many more years together
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I did not know I had the capacity of love until I lost my dog, Princess, two years ago.
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Zacheus was the Maltese sent from GOD. Every heart that ever touched this 4 pound angel melted. He was with us such a short time but he brought more JOY and LOVE to our lives ever imaginable . He took sick with a stomach virus, all day Mother's Day and yet still stayed close. The vet said to take him home and give him comfort and love... He died in my little boys arms in my bed. I didnt know you could love so much !!
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I am with your thoughts on this. My dog was so much of a friend to me, always there for me. - "Bandit" wherever you are, I miss you !!
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Lost my Dog afther 15 years vary sad
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I don't have a dog (perents at work, dad hates them ect.) but i have had alot of other pets and so i know how you feel. I know he is just a hamster but Sawdust was a great soother while i was getting bullied at school for 2 years, yeah 2 years!!RIP
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it's scary how much i love my dog/cats.Boomer is my very best friend, love that dog
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