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When did people stop teaching their kids "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all"?  C'mon people-there is enough bashing elsewhere

When did people stop teaching their kids "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all"? C'mon people-there is enough bashing elsewhere

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Category: Secrets

We used to tell fat kids the were "fat", and queer kids they were"gay". I hope it helped!
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my mommie taught me the saying was "if you don't have anything nice to say, well come sit by me" I have respect and manners, yes ma'am I sho do
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I have taught my kids to take no shit from anyone and if they don't agree with something let it be known and if given any crap b**** slap whoever they have to. I'm sorry but my kids won't be bullied or allowed to cowar, they will be the ones you wish your kids were like. wake up people, its a me me me society so you better wake up and tell your kids to take what they want before its taken from them
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kids these days amaze me, parents these days amaze me, most of these people do not deserve to have children! People are so hateful and rude only simply because it all adds up to one thing: psychology- when someone is rude and hateful its because they are miserable and insecure. So how about you rude people with the annoying brats grow the f*** up and teach your kids some decent manners and respect before they end up in prison or knocked up at the age of 16!
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I totally seems that respect and manners have gone right out the window.
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Ditto, all I seem to hear is people bashing other people, or friends snitching on friends.
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here here!
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Because if all anyone said were nice things then noone would learn.
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Kids really don't know their place anymore. Remember the saying "children are to be seen, not heard"?
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^i'm glad you find repression to be a good parenting sound like stalin
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My Dad used to tell me that all the time when I was a teenager. I wonder if he was trying to suppress my right to freedom of expression
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The truth can be told tactfully, without verbal assault. The belittling that goes on is simply a weak unconfident person trying to make themselves look otherwise, when really it just makes them look like an ass. Can it be so difficult to simply say, "I disagree."? I am the original poster and the secret was that I am disgusted with the hate bred into our society.
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^ helped what? -- idiot.
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I tell dumbasses they are idiots, does that help? Probably not.
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It's because we aren't talking. Retard.
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Has everyone forgotten the OP's question? Childrens minds are not yet formed enough to make what we adults would call, a judgement call about others. That is why we were taught not say anything rather than say or do something stupid. we all know how cruel kids can be. My father taught me not to take crap from anyone, but he also taught me that it can be mind over muscle. Just in case, he taught me how to use both.
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You have to admit it's funny as hell when your 4 yr-old says, "What's wrong with him?" when he sees an obvious queer out in public.
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There are obviously several immature and anomoyous doofs laden with a deminitive comprehension who think it's humurous to spout condecending verbage from the bowels of their minds in responce to others posts. Yet not one of those individuals would have the balls to say anything of the sort to a persons face simply because they are chicken-shit and know they would get their face smacked in if they did. To bad for them as members of society. But in a way it says something about the anomoyous nature of our society. Road Rage and the internet to name a few, but look what happens to the fabric of our civilized society when people think they don't have to be respectful of others. I ask, how fast would we become a society of the likes of these posters if the government was unable to enforce our laws....just something to think about. We would be forced to fend for ourselves....and maybe some day the "internet" will not be available....
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^I thought the above comment was written by an intellect person, but after a waste of 2 minutes I was wrong. You sir made no sense with a lot of misspelled words and horrendous grammar.
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It's called "small man syndrome", Shorty.
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I have never agreed with that statement. It is a statement for weak people. Truth even if it is brutal is the best way to go. Women alway went with that don't hurt their feelings crap.
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^now you're going to far. There's a thin line between confident and arrogant. You're teaching your kids to be ignorant and someday they will turn around and bite you with what you taught them.
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