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I am so terrified of having children that I don't want sex all together. Society won over me, it scared me away from teen pregnancy...or pregnancy at all.

I am so terrified of having children that I don't want sex all together. Society won over me, it scared me away from teen pregnancy...or pregnancy at all.

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Category: Secrets

If you are a teen you would be stupid to do it. Wait at least until you are late 20's when you are married and can afford it.
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so you already have a child? ^
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no, I meant I don't need to bring a kid into this already overpopulated world. I just notice how I phrased that when you pointed that out lol.
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Were you the a** **** whose good looks went to shit when you turned 25 and ended up with some crack whore working some deadend job to support her crack baby? Yep.
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Good, we don't need any more zebras anyway. THANKS!
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OP Not a teen anymore, still don't want to be pregnant.
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Good - your narrow minded nature just illustrates that you're not mature enough to handle what comes along with having sex.
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OP it's your choice! STD FREE
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No, I want kids. I deal with kids every day, I work with special needs kids. I love those kids and one day I might just adopt one...I just don't want to be pregnant. I don't want to have sex and I don't want nine months of carrying a child that could be miscarried and devastate me. I am saving myself and doing the world a favor by not having any more kids, god knows to many are born with less thought to them. This is the op
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Yeah right. If so then he is the bully making others cry. Go ahead and b proud of that. Your kid is a POS.
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^ Were you the fat kid we all made fun who never amounted to shit? YEP!
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--Dont mind being a parent, its the kids that get me.
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I had a kid, because one day I knew he was gonna rule the world! I really can't understand anyone not having the desire to see a part of themselves take on the challenges of living in this world after they are long gone. Thank God queers can't clone themselves!
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There is another reason you are not having sex. You could get clipped. Your fear is deep and you should see someone who can help work you through that.
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definitely a shycholokical problem
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^3 up. "having the desire to see a part of themselves take on the challenges of living in this world" You can't understand that, and I can't understand why you would be so selfish and mean to your own child. The only way I would have a child rather than adopt is if I could be Amish. Go ahead put your child in a public school and watch them cry everyday. You are sick.
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Surely you mean sycilogicol problem
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^ Cry every day? Why?!? He'll probably skip a couple of grades, have a 2-year college degree along with his diploma by the time he graduates. Enjoying sports, dating cheerleaders, and living life to the max the entire time. Why would he cry about that?
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Angelina, is that you? We have an AIDS infected Zulu over here... THANKS!
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You just need to find a guy who is willing to get clipped. What do you look like??? I might be your man. Well I guess I'm not really a man but I do have a driver's license.
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I am clipped, are you interested>?
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Shooting blanks... oh yeah, that's how Brandon Lee got killed, mysteriously... and, Jon-Erik Hexum.
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It's deeper than that for me, I would hate to bring a child into the world so he/she could be tormented by other people, by life itself. Why would anyone want to have children anymore? The world is cruel beyond belief! Those that think it isn't are just too stupid or selfish to look at the big picture.
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Just swallow or have anal sex, or both
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Your smarter than the average person out there. Wish more people had your outlook
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Swallow instead
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no f***ee f***ee?
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^^^grrr no FUCKEE FUCKEE?
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I don't want sex...condoms arn't 100%, the pill isn't 100%, nothing is 100% except not having sex.
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masturbation is 100%
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