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Some of the posts on this site absolutely break my heart.  I wish I could do something to ease everyone's pain and make things better for them.

Some of the posts on this site absolutely break my heart. I wish I could do something to ease everyone's pain and make things better for them.

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Category: Secrets

You could blow me. That'd help a lot.
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*** Don't pay attention to the comment above about blowing him. Thats disgusting and selfish but if I could eat your pussy while i cock f*** your face...
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So are you a nurse or a saint? This is a bad personal policy to get involved emotionally into others affairs. This emotional policy is best left to rest. If you don't you will get hurt and get broken. Be thankful for what you have and keep yourself safe. I know that's selfish, but it is the best policy. Humanitarism is a sign of weakness. Friendship is not.
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I agree, on the other hand, many really sad ones are self inflicted and pathetic. But the worst are the ones that show people who have no regard for anyone but themselves. Then there are the idiotic ones like the pancake stupidity today that make you wonder if the admin has any brains.
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If you notice...most people create their own hell. If you had a magic wand and could "Fix" everything wrong in each of these situations...they would create new problems in their lives. People like to hold on to their suffering and pain...and will continue to do so until their are ready to let it go. Otherwise...they will continue to wallow in it...the role of victim of life.
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I'm the OP on this one, and some of you, with the exception of the first two dumbasses, make good points. I'm talking about stuff you can't ever fix, like being too prideful to mend a relationship before someone's death and then never having the chance ... I'm not talking about the people who whine about their spouses and shit. I know the fault still rests with each poster, but I still can't help empathizing with some of them. And humanitarianism isn't a sign of weakness ... I went to New Orleans after Katrina and worked for a few weeks to do everything I could to help down there. That's humanitarianism, and I don't think anyone who benefited from my actions or those of the people with me would call me or us "weak". You sound jaded.
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Someone who accuses suffering people of "wallowing" and "taking the victim role" has obviously never been there.For myself, the cruelty of commenters on this site is almost sadder than the secrets that they belittle and ridicule.
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De plane! De plane!
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The third commentor must live in the city. That is not the way life is supposed to be! If someone is in pain or in trouble other people should rush to thier side, not just walk past and stare. Don't you think. I may be idealistic, but I would rather live in my world than yours. Maybe one day you will be the one screaming in pain, and you will realize your mistake when everyone around you ignores you or scoffs.
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^ Does your preacher drive a Mercedes?
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