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Finally, after 53 weeks of unemployment, I finally found a frickin' job!  It pays 30% less than my old one, but I'm happy to have it.

Finally, after 53 weeks of unemployment, I finally found a frickin' job! It pays 30% less than my old one, but I'm happy to have it.

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Category: Secrets

OP to the first poster, I'll be making about double what I did on UE, plus it was scheduled to run out in 14 weeks.
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That pic is from the building of the Empire State Bldg. Awesome!
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OP: I don't think I'll ever go back to my old spending habits, like people from the depression era, I've learned how to economize, and will continue to do so.
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OP, I left that job for a better one closer to home, the new one has a lot of room for growth.
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This is the beginning of a good season in your life. Be open to good things coming your way.
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That's great ! Congratulations ! With that attitude, I'm sure you can move up !
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I am happy for you. I hope things keep looking up.
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It takes an economic fall-out to finally make people appreciate what they had. Even then, there are some that still take it for granted. Well, congradulations that you found a job and good luck with it, but remember the times before when you had no job. Realize you could easily be there again.
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try getting a job when you have a record. been out of trouble for ten years but people won't forget. double standard....
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I think I may have to start selling things soon. I go on interviews and there are 30 people waiting, not only that, but open interviews for another week! I guess I'm lucky it's a woman giving interviews. I might have been tempted to give a blow job to get a stupid waitressing job, and I hate waitressing. I just need a second and third job, I used to make 50k/yr now it's less than 200/wk. I don't want to have to do things that will cause me nightmares. Please let this pass.
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^ Those were some brave men!
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Good for you! At least you want to work which is more than you say about a lot of able-bodied adults these days! As least you will have money for bread and milk until something better shows up. Hell, in my city we have lawyers driving cabs!
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OP here; The thing I like best about my new job is it gives me plenty of time to suck dick at the local public restrooms!
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I took one that paid 60% less and still can make it.
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the comments on this picture are stupid. The fact is that the men who worked on these skyscrapers made 4x as much as they would have doing a regular construction job back then. I wish people actually used their brain when making these witty submissions. The fact is that you need Wit to have a witty comment. Dumbass.
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^ Okay, Dumbass!!
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omg that photo makes me queasy
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Great how much more than un-employment is it. We like in new times, NAFTA has changed us into the world economy.
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thank you. come again.
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You are not alone! These are tough times no matter what Fox "News" says!
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That's just how the power elite in the world want you to feel.
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~~~if your happy to have a job that pays 30 percent less than your last one then you will be ecstatic to know that if you keep looking you can find employment that will pay 45 percent plus less than your last job.
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those brave men are mostly Newfoundlander's...salt of the earth, sea, and sky.
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Indeed...After almost 11 months out of work I got a new Job today myself!!! Damn what it pays, ITS A JOB!!!!!
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Love that picture , I have one in my house
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As im reading this I have that same pic over my desk in my office...
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5^ I hear that! Employers can pick whoever they want from the applicants in this day and age. If you have any kind of criminal record or bad credit, you're f***ed (Unless you're illegal, then you can just change your name to "Julio Martinez", leave your unpaid bills behind, and move on. You're not in the "system".). I remember getting jobs before drug testing began. Everyone used to come to work high back in the day. Too many dumbf***s who couldn't compromise working safely and using drugs ruined it for everyone else.
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PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY???????? THIS ISN'T JUST CLINTON-BUSH-OBAMA.... We are still so fragile. Our economy is supported by trillions of dollars of debt. Debt, the same thing that got us into this mess to begin with. This is a false bottom we are standing on. The hole under this is so huge, it will swollow us up as soon as someone pulls this board out from under us.
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I love that pic but hate that it still makes me dizzy if I look at it too long
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CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your time has finally come. Now what you do is work that job and continue to look for something better. But DON'T quit it until the other one comes around. I am truely happy for you. God's speed.
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ITS THE SIGN OF THE TIMES: Employers CAN "cherry pick" now, and DO! Sadly, those that get "picked" are having to accept LOWER WAGES
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a little bit of something beats a whole lot of nothing
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