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I fantasize women wanting me because I have a huge dick.  But I'm just fat with a 5 inch dick.

I fantasize women wanting me because I have a huge dick. But I'm just fat with a 5 inch dick.

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Category: secrets

to the above commenter... nooo, you're the dick.
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any woman who knows her own body knows that size is irrelevant. dont know why you men beat yourself up over stuff like that.
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Dude.....if she complains...stick it in her ass.
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Hey, I not hung like a horse myself but overcame this by being a more sensitive and less selfish lover. I try to stay tuned to the womans body language to guide me through to maximize her pleasure. read the Kama will make you a better lover
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I fantasize about men wanting me because I have big boobs. But I don't. *sigh*
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I hit it off like crazy with my last girlfriend. We were a couple of animals. Then she told me that I wasn't getting her off. I was so devastated. I wept, and prayed so hard right then. That night, magic happened !!! I suddenly had the rythym that she needed, and could satisfy her every time. Eventually, I came to realized that there are deeper things. That my soul and my emotions were not being fed. We broke up. I tried so many times to make it work. It could not. We were too different. I had a very good relationship with my very first girl. We were open, could talk about anything. Total trust. We always came together, face to face, when we made love. The physical communication was an extension of the emotional communication. When you find a like partner, your true soulmate, size will not matter. Your mutual love and open communication will create the intimacy and passion that will be a nice dessert in what has become the banquet of your life. Don't give up. Keep working on yourself, until you become the man that is worthy of the incredible woman that you deserve. And then don't settle until you find her.
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My dick is only 4 and half inches and I feel so inadequate. I've had sex with over 700 women, but I paid over 650 females for it. I've had 19 serious relationships that lasted over a year, but I still resent my small dick. The many many attractive female friends I have whom want to sleep with me, I put them off because I don't want them to know I have a small dick.
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I've thought about this numerous of times... and i finally conjured up the truth...and here it is....what is is is that...women are 1) either having alot of multiple partners so they compare..."hes bigger".. or "he's thicker" etc..etc and 2) if u noticed they're making dildos huge 13 inch i guess women are suspecting that men have 2 have a 13 inch cock...[even though womens vaginas r 'suposed 2b 4 inched deep' but with these dildos being 13 inches [or her having alot of partners and comparing u to her previous then u feel inadequate .... but!!!! like me...i have a smaller than average dick size... never had complains though 5 and change ....but...i eat realy really good pussy...ive made a woman cum 10 times in 27 minutes no lie!!! ive even made a girl cum in less than 30 seconds.... tahts how good at eating pusy i am..i sugeest you leanr how 2 eat pussy....or do this >> while ur f***ing...its always good to do more than one thing at one time..while ur f***ing suck her tits ..that way shes receiving double stimulation...[her vagina...and her breast]...or while ur banging.....lick ur fingers and play with her nipples..or her clit./... AGAIN!!! DOUBLE STIMULATION...SHES NOT FOCUSING ON JUST ONE THING [THE VAGINA] SHES GETTING PLEASURED BY MULTIPLE DIFFERENT WAYS..this way she comes 2 a climax....and fast...... u dig? and a womens g-spot is usually 'upward' and not that deep a smaller dick actually helps in taht matter., a way...consider yourself lucky!!! TAKE WHAT I SAID SERIOUSLY MAN.....SERIOUSLY
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good advice^^
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as a female i say five inches is totally fine with me, but work on the fat part, which you can do something about.
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The only woman I've ever known that said that size was a real issue for her, is the most superficial, immature girl I know. h yeah, and she's always depressed cos she's still single. Speaks volumes! Having said that; 5 inches?! Hahahahahaha! Err, scratch that last comment.
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I've heard of women like that just have to find one.
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Who cares? If it works consider yourself lucky.
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Me too bro, but its ok. I just keep busy and treat everyone with respect. It helps.
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ever heard of a woman buying a super small dildo NO
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for every ten pounds you lose...a quarter inch of your penis will present itself.
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Do Kegel exercises, yes guys can do them too. When I was young, after I got out of the shower I would get it erect and hang my towel on it and lift it up and slowly let it down. yeah I know ha ha but the ladies love the way it moves inside them
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You can lose weight. do that and forget the dick size. find an asian woman, they will think your joke. Had a korean chick who was so tight I had to dump her, couldn't feel anything. I think I'm five inches too, but with a prominent left curve that is a little disconcerting. I also lost 30lbs and put on alot of muscle.
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^Try buying a bunch of Nike workout clothes, shoes and getting a subscription to Men's Health. Something about having the clothes makes you want to work out and the magazine is full of great workout tips and tricks. Oh, yeah, get an ipod. I garauntee success with women within just a few weeks.
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^^He's right. I did the exact same thing, lost 10 lbs and put on alot of muscle.
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I'm hung like donkey-kong. just rubbing it in :)
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You can't do anything about the five inches, but you can work on loosing weight and getting in shape... You'll feel a lot better about yourself and find that your penis size doesn't really matter. Especially because women need manual stimulation of their clitoris to orgasm and penis's don't even really matter.
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I have been married to the same woman for over twenty years. We have five great kids, and a nice home. We all work hard, but we are better off than many. My dick is 5 and 3/4 long. My wife dated a lot before she met me (She was a cheerleader in our city, and quite popular), and I dated a lot too. We have a great sex life, and we have had sexual experiences most of our friends have never dreamed of. My sister-in-law married a handsome "hunk" who was a well known athlete at the state U. Yes, he had a big dick. He did not catch on in pro ball, and was cut after three years. Since his professors pushed him through his classes at State U.,he knows nothing useful, and he has never amounted to a hill of beans. My sister in law was so infatuated with him because he was a hunk with a big , and she could not see past that. Now she and my nieces and nephews have to live in a wworld of used cars, shabby apartments or rented houses, day old bread....
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