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Last night I hooked up with a really hot guy that I've had my eye on for a while now. He sucked in bed. I faked an orgasm just to get him the hell off of me.

Last night I hooked up with a really hot guy that I've had my eye on for a while now. He sucked in bed. I faked an orgasm just to get him the hell off of me.

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Category: secrets

He sucked at f***ing me the way I like to be f***ed...
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Just cause he was hot looking doesn't mean that he was a hot f***! I have found the same to be true of the really hot looking women I have been with!!
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Im not a skank, or a whore...just a woman who knows how she likes it, and can clearly recognize an unexperienced, fumbling man. You would think if hes 35 he would be better. Its not my place to "teach" a man of that age. get over yourself idiots.
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It's always a womans place to let a man know what she wants. We like that, if we can give you extreme pleasure just by you letting us know what works for you, we will be as happy as a child in candyland...
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LOL You can't judge a book by it's Now, in defense of this poor guy, it is not unusal for the first time to not be up to par. From my own experience, those guys that are super freaks the first time in bed, are superfical players. They never connect on an emotional level due to the fact that they are all about one night stands and moving on. Women are trophies. For the guys that aren't super freaks the first these are the guys that are more real. They can connect on an emotional level, and need and prefer to know the girls they sleep with and rarely do one night stands. Yet, once they connect with a real girl who like them aren't just into the one night stand thing...they are incredible in bed. Maybe if you take time to get to know someone before you sleep with them, you won't be disappointed. And may avoid STDs at the same time...uhmmmmm
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gee, if he was 35 and being picked up by some chick just for the purpose of bumping ya think that after the clothes were off he could have been distracted by the thoughts running through his head? Maybe that little voice in his head kept yelling at him, "Hey dude! if she's sleeping with you without even dinner, do ya think she may have STDs? Hey dude! Your wee wee is going to fall off! Hey Dude! Do you really believe you are her first one night stand? Hey Dude! What did she say her name was? Hey Dude! Who was she with last night?" and last but not least..."Damn, is she dead, why want she tell me what pleases her?"
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Hot doesn't = Passion
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Dont worry honey, your not a whore. These comments are posted by men who suck in bed as well. Their only defense is name calling and assuming you have std's. Ignorance is bliss, isnt it?
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no honey, wrong to YOU. Prude.
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She is NOT a whore!! Sometimes you men suck and we can'ty correct you! I wanted this guy since the moment I saw him, I picture him to be so damn passionate...after pratically begging for sex..we hooked up and he sucked...he was a passionate kisser...when he was playing with me he was great.. I couldn't wait to get him in me...and he sucked!! I tried telling him what to do, moved around..NOTHING!! I had to fake and ask him to come.. Oddly enough I want to have sex again to see if the second time is better.. You are NOT a skank... Why is it that you men can stick your penises into anything and be horny? The moment a girl expresses she is horny she is a skank?
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wow...first, sex isnt rocket science, guys should know how to please a woman without being told. If a girl want to tell a man how to do it then that is her choice, other than that a guy should just know. Second, just because she knows how she wants it doesnt make her a whore. Third, anyone of us, if single, given the chance(right time and place) would f*** that hot person that we've known awhile and periodically think about.
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lol...these commenters are just jealous that they cant have beautiful women. If they are chicks, they are jealous that you live a life they only WISH they could. You are not a whore, or a skank...just a woman who knows how she likes it.
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I never went to bed with a woman that didnt turn me on. Most of them wanted to meet again and we did... guess that means I was pretty good...huh ladies, so what Iam saying maybe he didnt think you were hot.... :)
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Don't feel bad. Many physically attractive people suck in the sack. Most smoking ladies I've been intimate with have been bad lays. Dead fish syndrome ensues.
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it happens! & whats wrong with a little direction to your lover??? harder,faster suck my balls/nipples?
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maybe he wasnt into you...
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every woman i ever slept with has always wanted to f*** next day and the day after and eventually try to tie me just a natural born f*** machine with many differnet styles
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ive done that before, with my boyfriend, very recently
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My fiance said she's done that before...hopefully not with me.
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you're all gross
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You may have been a fling for him.He was all about getting off and didn't care about you.
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You had sex with a guy you just met? You are a pig.
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f***ing teach him you selfish b****
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what a skeezer
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Did he hold his breth ? you stank ass
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we've all been there. you live and learn.
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I understand...
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Ya know why women fake orgasims dont ya? Because they think we (men) give a shit!
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you will encounter many more disappointments during your life-time and they will last years beyond a one night stand. Just wait........
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LOL. You idiots act like men are the only ones that suck in bed. Some women try and try and try and still can't f*** for shit. That's how my fiance's ex was. It's how I stole him from her. ;)
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The best lover I ever had was a very plain woman with glasses who wore her hair in a bun, like a librarian. Honest to heaven, she made love like a tiger! (We broke up because she wanted me to sell my three family house, and buy a cabin in the forest, which would have left me with a very long commute, and left me isolated from friends and family.)
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Isn't this the truth? The most beautiful women and the most handsome men are often not the nest lovers!
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