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This is for all the stupid bitches that think their men don't cheat,they do when ur not looking,hahahaha!

This is for all the stupid bitches that think their men don't cheat,they do when ur not looking,hahahaha!

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Category: Secrets

this is for the whores who think they can get my man lmfao....I hope it burns...hahahahahahahahahaha yeah b**** between your legs!! lol
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op, you sound like a bitter to be you lol!
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even the ones that get cheated on and know about it stay like idiots.... so they get whats coming to them... dont come cryin when he does it again
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i feel sorry for the op of this post. so sad you have never had the pleasure of being in a relationship with a decent man who loves only you!
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I have never cheated on my significant other.
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REAL MEN don't cheat! Glad to say that not every man is a cheating louse. Married 25 years and never cheated! Sounds like you never had a decent guy in your life. When you grow up and meet a good one you'll know your comment was immature and made out of jealousy and anger.
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I'd nail the chic in the pic. But do you have a butter face though?
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Well I can say I have never met a man that ahsn't cheated. My husband cheated a least 4 times..I stayed, and our relationship is way better than it has ever been. Forgiveness works wonders on a weak soul.
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This is such a dumb post. What's it to you if you are screwing around with someone else's boyfriend? You are making it sound like something to be proud of, but it isn't. The other woman shouldn't be villified but shouldn't be glorified either.
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I take it you are talking about yourself there OP. Sounds like you have had experience in this department. Let go, you'll be happier
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Iam a real man,I have five children, and I don't want to, never have, and will not cheat.
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Kharma, It'll get you EVERYTIME.
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Hey OP: I'm a man and have NEVER cheated and NEVER will. I'm on my 2nd marriage 'cuz the 1st cheated on ME! I'm loyal and faithful...EAT IT! LICK IT! AND SAVOR IT!
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6^ obviously you're very stupid, I'm sure it was more than four times, if you haven't met a man that hasn't cheated it's because you're a loser and don't know how to treat a man. Forgiving does nothing but make YOU a weak soul. I'm sorry you're so dumb.
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^ I posted that, and obviously you are to weak to forgive someone. Also most people are different so my man is not your man, I KNOW for a fact he hasn't cheated since that time and our relationship is tighter than ever, believe it or not. Also it's funny how you said I am a loser because I have never met a man who hasn't cheated...I didn't mean cheated on me, I meant my father and step father both cheated on all thier wives, I have also encountered MANY men who wanted to cheat with me on thier wives. How does that make me a loser? Obviously I KNOW how to treat a man because the man I am STILL with has been with me for over 10 yrs, and he doesn't want to leave. He stays with me because I am forgiving and kind and am strong and I instill this within our children. Sorry that you are soo sad that you have to call me names because you just can't believe that Forgivness works. You obvioulsy need to forgive someone even if it's yourself.
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To the lady above, your very strong to forgive that much and i applaud you for being that way, I however couldn't do that. When my ex wife messed around it was immediate divorce. But as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
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yes i cheated on all 30 of the women and plan on doing it 3o more.
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^3 you are a loser, raised by losers, he's not with you because he loves you, he's with you because he gets away with cheating. so sure he hasn't done it again? i'm not retarded enough to stay with someone who cheats, would he forgive you? do you really think that's what love is? i'm sorry that you're so delusional that you think it's ok to put up with that, you give good woman a bad name.
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^why are you so upset about it?! Why does it bother you that I forgave him and he changed. I feel bad for people who have forgotten that people change. Apparently you must be stuck in a rut in some instance where you are unable to change. All I know is I am constantly changing with the world and I know people are always going to let me down, so why hold on to all those hurts when I have the power to let them go and be a little more happy. Just because I didn't do what you would do doens't make me a loser just makes me different. And I Do know that Forgiving someone is another way of loving them.
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It bothers me bc this is how disease is spread, and you are teaching immoral behavior to your children. Cheaters only change the way they cheat. You seem to be the one upset, that's why you keep feeling the need to defend yourself. I have no issues of this kind, because I know better than to be used and abused. I can tell you haven't really forgiven him, or you wouldn't have such pride about it. I bet deep down you hate yourself and you bring it up every time you fight which is probably all the time. Someday you'll see the light.
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^ I keep posting because I am hoping that you may see a different point of view instead of your judgemental one of people who decide to stay with the person who cheated. That's why I keep posting, just to be clear here. And No I have forgivin him and I know because I don't think about it anymore and I don't bring it up if we argue. How am I teaching immoral behavior to my kids??? Please expalin that really. Number one they know nothing of the matter, because they do not need to, number two I find forgivness to be a qualtiy in someone that I admire and if it rubs off on my kids GREAT.
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Cheating is a form of abuse. If you forgive someone for disrespecting you that might mean you love them, but you have no love and respect for youself, which means your love means nothing. You obviously haven't forgiven, you came on here bragging about it, which you wouldn't have done if you didn't think about it and feel the need to feel good about it, and you wouldn't continue to come here to defend yourself for it. Forgiving someone is one thing, but cheating cannot be forgiven. If he gave a shit about you, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. He might not be doing it now, but he will again. Your children will find out some day, and hate one of you for it. You had cheating parents, right? Kinda sounds like you learned to put up with bs because they taught you that. You have a mental illness, you like to be abused, this will fall onto your children. Fogiving cheating isn't commendable, it's stupid. It sounds like you're just to weak to get off your lazy ass and leave the f***er, and yet you think so high and might of yourself. Have fun with your f***ed up little life.
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^wow you are mental. I am proud of my ability to forgive as it is a rare thing to happen these days especially because it is one of the most difficult things to do. So yeah I "brag" about it, sorry that pisses you off. It's amazing that you think cheating cannot be forgiven. Have you ever heard of someone forging the murderer of their children? Or people who have been molested have forgiven the abuser, you know why they do it? Obviously no you don't, it's because it's the ONLY way to heal yourself. In Fact forgiving someone else is loving yourself enough to let it go. Obviously this is going nowhere and you think you are HIGh and mighty for somer reason which is why you "think" I's called projection...anyway everything you are telling me about me is only showing me about you. I Already explained why I keep posting but like you said you are retarded, so I Forgive you :D
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It's funny how you judge, when I'm not the one telling about myself on here, you know nothing about me. I'm not the one angry, you are, I've been laughing at you. Lmfao. You husband needs abuse therapy, and I guess you were right to forgive since it was your fault. If you f***ed and sucked him like you're supposed he wouldn't be looking elsewhere, but you're just one of those b****es that makes excuses for not doing the things a good woman should. You deserved to get cheated on. You still haven't really given a reason why you keep posting, so I know it's cause you're wrong. Sorry, but I just can't relate to a piece of shit. Still lmfao at you!
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^You make me want to resort to your level by being negative. YOU are TOXIC
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